
Uniform patches

sort products:
águila bordada
STEINADLER steinadler águila bordada 2014-06-18 11:45:18 28.90 4.6981 277650484.37106 53 STEINADLER águila bordada
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.7/5.0 (53)
gold plata gold • plata
águila metal
STEINADLER steinadler águila metal 2014-06-18 11:49:29 15.00 4.7674 521572124.80394 86 STEINADLER águila metal
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (86)
plata gold plata • gold
Army Medical Corps Patch (Austrian Armed Forces)
STEINADLER steinadler Army Medical Corps Patch (Austrian Armed Forces) 2019-01-08 15:28:13 7.90 4.8000 292162779.48845 45 STEINADLER Army Medical Corps Patch (Austrian Armed Forces)
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (45)
red-white-red gris-piedra red-white-red • gris piedra
Austrian States Patch: Burgenland
STEINADLER steinadler Austrian States Patch: Burgenland 2019-08-01 09:39:06 7.90 4.9167 99064566.991303 12 STEINADLER Austrian States Patch: Burgenland
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (12)
amarillo amarillo
Austrian States Patch: Tyrol
STEINADLER steinadler Austrian States Patch: Tyrol 2019-08-01 12:37:33 7.90 4.9286 118403287.99797 14 STEINADLER Austrian States Patch: Tyrol
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (14)
red-white-red red-white-red
Austrian States Patch: Vienna
STEINADLER steinadler Austrian States Patch: Vienna 2019-08-01 09:44:07 7.90 4.9130 188449711.69374 23 STEINADLER Austrian States Patch: Vienna
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (23)
red-white-red red-white-red
Austrian States Patch: Vorarlberg
STEINADLER steinadler Austrian States Patch: Vorarlberg 2019-08-01 09:25:49 7.90 5.0000 19531250 2 STEINADLER Austrian States Patch: Vorarlberg
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0 (2)
red-white-red red-white-red
bandera velcro PVC AUT
STEINADLER steinadler bandera velcro PVC AUT 2014-10-27 19:17:35 6.90 4.8883 3139666778.5683 403 STEINADLER bandera velcro PVC AUT
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (403)
red-white-red verde-oliva negro-gris red-white-red • verde oliva • negro-gris
Bloodpatch 0 neg
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch 0 neg 2014-06-18 12:47:52 6.90 4.7368 216089705.37165 38 STEINADLER Bloodpatch 0 neg
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.7/5.0 (38)
sand verde-oliva sand • verde oliva
Bloodpatch 0 neg embroidered
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch 0 neg embroidered 2023-11-03 10:59:09 3.90 5.0000 29296875 3 STEINADLER Bloodpatch 0 neg embroidered
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0 (3)
negro-oliva negro-oliva
Bloodpatch 0 pos embroidered
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch 0 pos embroidered 2023-11-03 11:04:54 3.90 4.8824 130852640.52694 17 STEINADLER Bloodpatch 0 pos embroidered
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (17)
negro-oliva negro-oliva
Bloodpatch A neg
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch A neg 2014-06-18 12:54:50 6.90 4.7188 175172402.2501 32 STEINADLER Bloodpatch A neg
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.7/5.0 (32)
sand verde-oliva sand • verde oliva
Bloodpatch A neg embroidered
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch A neg embroidered 2023-11-03 11:10:07 3.90 4.5000 6810125.7832031 2 STEINADLER Bloodpatch A neg embroidered
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.5/5.0 (2)
negro-oliva negro-oliva
Bloodpatch A pos embroidered
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch A pos embroidered 2023-11-03 11:14:40 3.90 4.8889 140405475.9044 18 STEINADLER Bloodpatch A pos embroidered
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (18)
negro-oliva negro-oliva
Bloodpatch AB neg
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch AB neg 2014-06-18 13:01:26 6.90 4.6250 35826745.423808 8 STEINADLER Bloodpatch AB neg
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.6/5.0 (8)
verde-oliva sand verde oliva • sand
Bloodpatch AB neg embroidered
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch AB neg embroidered 2023-11-03 11:18:06 3.90 5.0000 9765625 1 STEINADLER Bloodpatch AB neg embroidered
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0 (1)
negro-oliva negro-oliva
Bloodpatch AB pos
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch AB pos 2014-06-18 13:03:50 6.90 4.6944 187112767.5553 36 STEINADLER Bloodpatch AB pos
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.7/5.0 (36)
verde-oliva sand verde oliva • sand
Bloodpatch AB pos embroidered
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch AB pos embroidered 2023-11-03 11:21:17 3.90 5.0000 48828125 5 STEINADLER Bloodpatch AB pos embroidered
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0 (5)
negro-oliva negro-oliva
Bloodpatch Austro-Tarn gewebt
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch Austro-Tarn gewebt 2025-03-13 16:58:43 3.90 0 0 0 STEINADLER Bloodpatch Austro-Tarn gewebt
austro-tarn austro-tarn
Bloodpatch B neg
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch B neg 2014-06-18 13:07:37 6.90 5.0000 58593750 6 STEINADLER Bloodpatch B neg
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0 (6)
verde-oliva sand verde oliva • sand
Bloodpatch B neg embroidered
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch B neg embroidered 2023-11-03 11:27:20 3.90 4.8000 32462531.054272 5 STEINADLER Bloodpatch B neg embroidered
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (5)
negro-oliva negro-oliva
Bloodpatch B pos
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch B pos 2014-06-18 13:09:41 6.90 4.5200 177973094.77275 50 STEINADLER Bloodpatch B pos
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.5/5.0 (50)
sand verde-oliva sand • verde oliva
Bloodpatch B pos embroidered
STEINADLER steinadler Bloodpatch B pos embroidered 2023-11-03 11:30:34 3.90 4.9000 79792266.297612 10 STEINADLER Bloodpatch B pos embroidered
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (10)
negro-oliva negro-oliva
Distintivo de nacionalidad AUSTRIA PVC
STEINADLER steinadler Distintivo de nacionalidad AUSTRIA PVC 2014-06-18 12:26:49 5.90 4.8398 1276299876.0967 181 STEINADLER Distintivo de nacionalidad AUSTRIA PVC
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (181)
red-white-red red-white-red
distintivo PVC de nacionalidad de Ejército austríaco
STEINADLER steinadler distintivo PVC de nacionalidad de Ejército austríaco 2014-06-18 12:29:41 5.90 4.8310 5982519423.8926 864 STEINADLER distintivo PVC de nacionalidad de Ejército austríaco
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (864)
gris-piedra gris piedra
Klettstreifen AUSTRIA gewebt
STEINADLER steinadler Klettstreifen AUSTRIA gewebt 2018-05-30 17:00:09 6.90 4.8429 993534724.57209 140 STEINADLER Klettstreifen AUSTRIA gewebt
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (140)
verde-oliva verde oliva
National Badge AUSTRIA woven
STEINADLER steinadler National Badge AUSTRIA woven 2018-05-30 17:04:25 7.90 4.8578 1544111867.1577 211 STEINADLER National Badge AUSTRIA woven
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (211)
red-white-red gris-piedra red-white-red • gris piedra
Nationalitätsabzeichen Bundesheer gewebt
STEINADLER steinadler Nationalitätsabzeichen Bundesheer gewebt 2018-06-27 13:58:32 7.90 4.8649 2198016190.1265 296 STEINADLER Nationalitätsabzeichen Bundesheer gewebt
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (296)
gris-piedra gris piedra
PVC Klettflagge AUT mini
STEINADLER steinadler PVC Klettflagge AUT mini 2016-06-15 14:30:40 2.90 4.7030 873441316.73972 165 STEINADLER PVC Klettflagge AUT mini
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.7/5.0 (165)
red-white-red red-white-red
PVC Sanitätsdienst Patch
STEINADLER steinadler PVC Sanitätsdienst Patch 2014-09-08 15:27:40 9.90 4.7692 395702422.89371 65 STEINADLER PVC Sanitätsdienst Patch
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (65)
blanco blanco
Sanitätsdienst Patch
STEINADLER steinadler Sanitätsdienst Patch 2019-01-08 15:18:54 7.90 4.8226 421894736.87471 62 STEINADLER Sanitätsdienst Patch
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (62)
red-white-red gris-piedra red-white-red • gris piedra
Velcroflag AUT woven
STEINADLER steinadler Velcroflag AUT woven 2018-05-30 17:08:10 7.90 4.8910 3235390305.6993 413 STEINADLER Velcroflag AUT woven
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (413)
verde-oliva sand red-white-red verde oliva • sand • red-white-red
Black Trident Black Trident
Blood Type Patch ABneg
Black Trident black-trident Blood Type Patch ABneg 2023-08-08 11:30:16 3.90 0 0 0 Black Trident Blood Type Patch ABneg
olive-rot olive-rot
Black Trident Black Trident
Blood Type Patch ABpos
Black Trident black-trident Blood Type Patch ABpos 2023-08-08 11:29:36 3.90 5.0000 19531250 2 Black Trident Blood Type Patch ABpos
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0 (2)
olive-rot olive-rot
Black Trident Black Trident
Blood Type Patch Aneg
Black Trident black-trident Blood Type Patch Aneg 2023-08-08 11:25:30 3.90 0 0 0 Black Trident Blood Type Patch Aneg
olive-rot olive-rot
Black Trident Black Trident
Blood Type Patch Bneg
Black Trident black-trident Blood Type Patch Bneg 2023-08-08 11:26:09 3.90 0 0 0 Black Trident Blood Type Patch Bneg
olive-rot olive-rot
Black Trident Black Trident
Blood Type Patch Bpos
Black Trident black-trident Blood Type Patch Bpos 2023-08-08 11:21:38 3.90 5.0000 9765625 1 Black Trident Blood Type Patch Bpos
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0 (1)
olive-rot olive-rot
Deploy Deploy
Bloodpatch 0 neg PVC
Deploy deploy Bloodpatch 0 neg PVC 2019-04-26 11:32:29 3.90 4.9688 293538547.3569 32 Deploy Bloodpatch 0 neg PVC
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star5.0/5.0 (32)
negro-oliva negro-negro negro-oliva • negro-negro
Deploy Deploy
Bloodpatch 0 pos PVC
Deploy deploy Bloodpatch 0 pos PVC 2019-04-26 15:04:45 3.90 4.8992 947978857.65964 119 Deploy Bloodpatch 0 pos PVC
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (119)
negro-oliva negro-gris negro-oliva • negro-gris
Deploy Deploy
Bloodpatch A neg PVC
Deploy deploy Bloodpatch A neg PVC 2019-04-26 15:05:59 3.90 4.8293 282895283.15848 41 Deploy Bloodpatch A neg PVC
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (41)
negro-oliva negro-negro negro-oliva • negro-negro
Deploy Deploy
Bloodpatch A pos PVC
Deploy deploy Bloodpatch A pos PVC 2019-04-26 15:14:14 3.90 4.8409 932899896.64072 132 Deploy Bloodpatch A pos PVC
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (132)
negro-oliva negro-gris negro-oliva • negro-gris
Deploy Deploy
Bloodpatch AB neg PVC
Deploy deploy Bloodpatch AB neg PVC 2019-04-26 15:20:35 3.90 4.8571 51152691.513147 7 Deploy Bloodpatch AB neg PVC
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (7)
negro-oliva negro-negro negro-oliva • negro-negro
Deploy Deploy
Bloodpatch AB pos PVC
Deploy deploy Bloodpatch AB pos PVC 2019-04-26 15:22:13 3.90 4.9200 207773921.34034 25 Deploy Bloodpatch AB pos PVC
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (25)
negro-oliva negro-negro negro-oliva • negro-negro
Deploy Deploy
Bloodpatch B neg PVC
Deploy deploy Bloodpatch B neg PVC 2019-04-26 15:23:36 3.90 4.7500 46776323.377998 8 Deploy Bloodpatch B neg PVC
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (8)
negro-oliva negro-negro negro-oliva • negro-negro
Deploy Deploy
Bloodpatch B pos PVC
Deploy deploy Bloodpatch B pos PVC 2019-04-26 15:24:33 3.90 4.9286 355209863.99391 42 Deploy Bloodpatch B pos PVC
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (42)
negro-oliva negro-negro negro-oliva • negro-negro
Clawgear Clawgear
Calico Jack IR Patch
Clawgear clawgear Calico Jack IR Patch 2019-01-31 12:31:34 10.90 4.8235 115896881.40834 17 Clawgear Calico Jack IR Patch
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (17)
multicam multicam
Clawgear Clawgear
Dual IR Patch Austria
Clawgear clawgear Dual IR Patch Austria 2016-09-19 18:02:15 15.90 4.7869 770731982.25123 122 Clawgear Dual IR Patch Austria
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (122)
red-white-red multicam red-white-red • multicam
Clawgear Clawgear
Edelweiss Oval Patch
Clawgear clawgear Edelweiss Oval Patch 2018-11-20 16:51:15 5.90 4.8776 373471873.40463 49 Clawgear Edelweiss Oval Patch
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.9/5.0 (49)
amarillo amarillo
Clawgear Clawgear
Edelweiss Patch
Clawgear clawgear Edelweiss Patch 2018-11-20 16:56:10 4.90 4.7195 449545605.53438 82 Clawgear Edelweiss Patch
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.7/5.0 (82)
amarillo amarillo
Patch Jagdkampf
Bundesheer bundesheer Patch Jagdkampf 2024-12-05 13:06:40 5.90 5.0000 68359375 7 Bundesheer Patch Jagdkampf
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0 (7)
sand sand
Patch KIOP/KPE woven
Bundesheer bundesheer Patch KIOP/KPE woven 2019-02-11 11:39:07 5.90 4.8000 357087841.597 55 Bundesheer Patch KIOP/KPE woven
full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starhalf_star4.8/5.0 (55)
gris-piedra gris piedra

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