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NikWax Tech Wash 1L

Nincsenek értékelések

EUR 25.00 (inkluzív VAT)
€ 14,90

Cikkszám nx183p01
Tulajdonságok: recommended for Gore-Tex, SympaTex and eVent membranes, special cleaner for wet weather clothing and equipment (reviving breathability and water repellency)Usage: use neat Tech Wash® and a sponge, or soft nylon brush, to treat stubborn stains before washing, Handwäsche (Handschuhe benutzen): Teil in ca. 6 L lauwarmes Wasser eintauchen, 2 volle Kappen (100 ml) beigeben, waschen und gründlich mit kaltem Wasser ausspülen. Lufttrocknen., machine wash: remove all detergent build up from the detergent dispenser, place max. 2 pcs in machine, add 2 full bottle caps (100 ml) per garment, wash according to care label. Let dry.

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  • 1,000ml

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