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Source Rider 3L Low Profile Hydration Pack

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EUR 169.90 (inclusa IVA)
Costi di spedizione
€ 14,90

Art.Nr. src21950
Volume: 3 Litricinghie: tuck-away shoulder strap/s, cintura pettoraleEquipaggiamento: Taste-Free™ System Glass-Like™ Liner technology in reservoir and tube delivers pure liquid taste with no plastic flavor, WXP™ Hydration System, Angled Storm-Valve™, Bacteria-Free™ System Grunge-Guard™ blocks bacterial growth, 94cm long, insulated hydration tube, closed cell insulation keeps liquid coolopzioni di fissaggio: X QCA™ System allows quick attachment on plate carriers, vests or backpacks, passante MOLLE, D-ring, superficie con velcroCaratteristiche: designed specifically for ballistic vest integration yet quickly converts for back carriage or ruck insertion, profilo sottile Dimensioni: 36 x 25 x 7 cmPeso: 480 g

  • nero
  • coyote
  • multicam

Online Shop green in magazzino (in 2-3 Tagen bei Ihnen zu Hause)
Colore Misura Prezzo € Disponibilità Ordina
nero 169.90 in magazzino
coyote 161.90 in magazzino
multicam 171.90 in magazzino (low stock)


"super praktisch und leicht" full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0
"Top Qualität, Gefechtserprobung noch nicht erfolgt" full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0
"Perfekt für einen lang Marsch oder wenn man laufen geht " full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0
"It just works. Gerne Wieder." full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0
"Perfekt für heiße Tage beim Wandern, Storm Valve verhindert Wasseraustritt solange kein großer Druck auf die Wasserblase ausgeübt wird" full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0
"........................ " full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starempty_star4.0/5.0
"Für den 40 km Marsch fast zu groß, gut Qualität, wird noch lange in Verwendung sein" full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0
"Als Einzelausrüstungsteil OK, allerdings am Plattenträger etwas umständlich zu montieren. Trotzdem Kaufempfehlung." full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0
"Flach, praktisch, leicht zu befestigen." full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star5.0/5.0